Mashed Theatre’s thought-provoking production of Bully delves into the intricate dynamics of bullying, resilience, and self-discovery through the lens of a captivating two-actor performance. The play centers on Drew, a timid teenager who navigates her challenging world with the help of her imaginary friend, Clive Cloverfield. As Drew contends with the harsh realities of school bullying and personal insecurities, Bully explores themes of self-identity and the strength needed to confront adversity.
Audiences can expect a powerful and emotionally charged experience as the narrative weaves through Drew’s interactions with both her imaginary ally and her real-life struggles. The play presents a raw and insightful look at how bullying affects individuals and the journey towards building resilience. With Clive’s supportive role and Drew’s evolving self-awareness, Bully provides a unique perspective on overcoming personal battles and finding inner strength.
This compelling production not only highlights the impact of bullying but also encourages reflection on personal growth and the courage to face one’s challenges. Bully is a profound exploration of how we cope with difficult situations and the importance of self-belief in the face of adversity.
Terms 1 - 4
9 - 12
50 minutes + 10 min Q&A
$7.30 per student (GST not included, minimum performance fee applies)
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