In the evocative two-person play “Teenagers,” we follow the parallel journeys of Jamie and Alex, two teenagers grappling with the tumultuous landscape of adolescence. In a world that demands conformity and offers only one-size-fits-all answers, Jamie and Alex struggle to navigate their mental health, self-identity, and the overwhelming pressure to fit into predefined molds.
As their stories unfold side by side, we witness their intimate struggles and fleeting moments of clarity. Jamie seeks solace in art but faces the harsh judgments of a world that doesn’t understand her, while Alex, burdened by expectations and self-doubt, finds escape in music but feels disconnected from those around him. Through heartfelt dialogue and poignant monologues, “Teenager” captures their fight for authenticity and the search for a voice in a world that often feels silent.
This powerful exploration of identity and mental health is a moving reminder that even when answers seem elusive, the quest to understand oneself and connect with others remains a deeply human experience.
Terms 1 - 4
7 - 12
50 minutes + 10 min Q&A
$7.30 per student (GST not included, minimum performance fee applies)
We live and breathe creativity